Sanaa's Sociology blog
2 min readJun 16, 2024


Hello everybody and thank you for joining me today I will be discussing the pros and cons of space exploration. This has always I been a topic that scares me bit I know how much you guys like it so let’s beguin. But first my top 3 amazon recommendations

First is this cute bracelet The second is Is this a Hong Kong travel bag I think it looks so cute and has lots of compartments and is very useful. The final one is a neck fan becuase why did nobody tell me they were so cool.

Photo by Aldebaran S on Unsplash

Space exploration has no doubt fascinated a lot of the population. As human beings we are going to be curious about what is beyond earth but this raises some controversy as do we want to find out or is it worth the resources and time and money people are going to be investing beucase what if nothings there. Today we are going to find out if its really worth it.

Photo by Aldebaran S on Unsplash

To start off going to space would allow us to find new materials to benefit our life on Earth. Those materials could be gathered to make new technology or medicine. This would be really bendicial for us not to mention the space that we could use with overpopulation of some places.

However, others believe that we should take care of Earth first instead of running away and trying to colonise Mars which may or may not be inhabitable as well as extremely expensive to do when it would cost less money to try and fix some of the issues in our poorer countries like Yemeni or Burundi.

Another reason people are against space exploration Is it damages the Earth as it is toxic to the environment and produces an insane amount of greenhouse gases.

On the other hand, it creates jobs and helps encourage young people to go into STEM which can be applied to other respective fields. It also could create new jobs for people with spacex becoming more keen on mining things in space such as asteroids.

Finally, it puts the people going into space in danger as they may not return and that would be a scary way to pass.

In conclusion, I understand the appeal and questions people might have but like always it needs to be approached carefully and considerately. Thank you all for reading and I hope to see you all again soon. Also please check out my substack and my kwork



Sanaa's Sociology blog

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